What is a roll-off dumpster?

A roll-off (sometimes referred to as roll-away) dumpster is a simple, box shaped steel container with an open top for easy loading.

These dumpsters are build to hold most types of non toxic waste, debris or junk and we can drop them off and pick them up with ease at your job site or home.

What size dumpsters can I rent?

We offer two sizes of dumpsters for rental, 14 yard capacity or 20 yard capacity. Just schedule with us to plan a drop-off and pick-up time, and we will arrive on time to take care of it and haul the dumpster away. We dispose of the waste for you for $200 a ton.

What items can't go in a dumpster?

Not all kinds of waste can go in these dumpsters, as toxic or otherwise problematic items aren't a good fit. Some of the main materials we can't put in the dumpsters include:

  • Household cleaners
  • Food waste
  • Fluorescent lightbulbs
  • Oils
  • Fuels/Gasoline
  • Gas/Propane tanks
  • Paint and lacquers
  • Freon
  • Car batteries
  • Adhesives
  • Tires
  • Hot water tanks
  • Asbestos
  • Toxic wastes
  • Corrosive wastes
  • Flammable/Ignitable waste
  • Biohazardous waste
  • Infectious waste
  • Reactive waste/Radioactive material
  • Medical waste
How much does it cost to rent a dumpster?

Our rental prices start from $350 for 5 days, with $200 per ton disposal fee once we pick up the dumpster. Ask us about our 20 yard dumpster prices and shorter or longer rental times.